General Medicine Case History

 This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input

This is a case of 22 yr old female patient came opd with chief complaint of rashes over the body with itching sensation since 4 days. 

Fever since 8 days associated with chills on medication & body pains. 

The patient was apparently asymptomatic 1month  back when she developed rashes over the legs ,hands & abdomen after contact with her family's lemon field. 

For this she visited to local doctor and took medications the rashes subsided and  blackish discoloration remained over the skin. 

10 days ago then she developed fever on& off. High grade associated with chills & generalised body pains, fever .

Decreased on medication so had vomitings 10 days ago 4 to 5 episodes per day for 2 dayswent to local RPM 8 days  for fever and jaundice was diagnosed as typhoid for which she got treated symptomatically patient says that she have taken herbal medication 5 daysback 

H/o generalised edema all over the body since 3 days. 

History of Past illness:

No diabetes 

No asthma

No epilepsy


Treatment History:

Not allergic to known drugs. 

Personal History:

Appetite : normal

Diet : mixed

Bowel & bladder movements : regular

Addictions: No

Family History:

No similar complaints in the family. 

General & Physical Examination:

No pallor

No cyanosis

No icterus

No malnutrition


Temperature :High

Pulse rate:120/min

Respiration rate:20/min

BP 90/70 mm/Hg

Spo2 99%

Systemic examination:


No thrills

S1 S2 sounds are heard

No cardiac murmurs

Respiratory System:

 Presence ofDyspnoea 

No wheeze

Position of trachea: central

Breathe sounds : vesicular


Shape of abdomen: scaphoid

No Tenderness

Hernial orifice: Normal

No free fluid

No bruits



Speech :Normal


Provisional  diagnosis:Hepatitis? 


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